Every Saturday at 10am from July 1st- September 2nd, the Pensacola Saenger Theatre will show a family movie. It’s part of the “Family Movie Club” sponsored by Kids ER at West Florida Hospital. To see the full list of movies CLICK HERE.
From 9am-10am before each movie, we will be collecting nonperishable food items for BackPack Project USA of Escambia County. Everyone that donates 2 food items from the list will get a passport and a stamp for that movie. For every 5 stamps, you will get a FREE popcorn from Kids ER at West Florida Hospital. To see more information about BackPack Project USA or to donate CLICK HERE.
The full list of items accepted from 9-10am Saturdays at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre:
Juice boxes
Meats (beanie weenies, Vienna sausage in a can, canned tuna and canned chicken)
Breakfast bars
Ramen noodles
Pop tarts
Cheese crackers
Apple Sauce and fruit cups
Slim Jim’s
Fruit Roll-Ups
Animal crackers
Due to concerns with allergies, please avoid donating items that may contain peanuts or peanut butter.